Time Entry FAQs

This page contains basic answers to common questions about Time Entry. You can also roll your mouse over the image below to explore the time entry screen .


How do I...

How do I add assignments to the timesheet grid

How do I use Favorites?

How do I track time while working?

How can I add another time entry after I've submitted my time?

How can I move to a different week?

How do I remove an assignment from the timesheet grid?

How can I view my time across multiple weeks?

How do I submit time?



Cells locked: Why can't I enter time in some grid cells?

Nothing is displayed in the time entry grid

Nothing is displayed in the assignment tree on the left

Conflicting time entries?

You cannot add more than 200 tasks in a week

The assignment tree or time entry details areas are not displayed.

Some buttons or features are not available


About the Time Entry screen

Toolbar buttons - link to description for all buttons

What's this button ?

What is ETC?

Where is the Save button?

Time entry reports