Adding Assignments to the Timesheet grid

Before you can track time against an assignment, that assignment must be added to the timesheet grid. This topic describes how to use the assignment tree to (1) add task assignments to the timesheet grid and (2) how to remove task assignments from the timesheet grid.

To add task assignments to the timesheet grid:

  1. Click the Assignments tab .

    How assignments are organized in the assignment tree.

  2. Locate and check one or more assignments to be added to the timesheet grid.

    Nothing is displayed in the Assignment tree?


  3. Click the Add to Timesheet button.

    The task assignments added to the timesheet grid are temporarily highlighted in yellow.


  • The assignments checked are only added to the timesheet grid currently displayed.

  • Any assignments previously added to the timesheet grid are not removed.

  • Duplication of assignments within the timesheet grid does not occur if Add to Timesheet is clicked more than once.

  • There is a limit to the number of task assignments that you can add to your weekly timesheet grid (and Favorites). By default, this limit is 200 task assignments.

  • An administrative feature permits a manager to hide assignments when the date is outside the task’s scheduled start and finish dates. For this reason, the list of available assignments may vary when moving from week to week.



  • Use Favorites to create a list of assignments that can be easily (or automatically) added to any timesheet grid.

  • Right click within the assignment tree to access useful features such as Collapse All, Select All, etc.

  • Use the Find box to quickly find an item.

  • Mouse over the task or project names to see a description of the item.

  • You can expand or collapse a project's task assignments in the time entry grid by clicking the +/- graphic at the beginning of the Client-Project name.

  • You can navigate within the time entry grid using the arrow keys on your keyboard.


To remove task assignments from the timesheet grid:

  1. Select the task row to delete by clicking on the task's name in the timesheet grid. A selected row is highlighted in yellow.

  2. Click the Delete row button on the toolbar.



  • Only task rows can be removed. The Client/Project and Task Groups rows are automatically removed when all dependent tasks are removed.

  • To select multiple tasks, select the tasks while keeping the Ctrl key pressed or use Shift to select a range of rows.

  • Rows with approved time entries or time under review are not removed but any un-submitted or rejected time within that row is deleted.

  • Deleting a task row with multiple rows deletes all rows for that task.


Tip: You can also use your keyboard's Delete key to remove rows.