Timesheet Options

The Timesheet Options view permits modifications to the time and expense entry screens for each employee. Modifications are limited to showing or hiding certain data entry or information fields, and setting the default day that starts each week.


This topic describes how to (1) configure some of the time entry data and information fields and how to (2) configure which data entry fields are displayed in the expense entry screen.


For most options in this view, you can configure an item to always be shown to the user, never be shown to the user or to allow the individual user to determine if the item is shown or not.

To modify time entry options:

  1. Select Timesheet Options from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Timesheet Options).

  2. Click the Timesheet tab at the top of the screen.

  3. Select the employee whose time entry options will be modified. To select more than one employee, hold the Ctrl key while making your selections.

  4. For each time entry option, select either:

    Always shown
    to always display the item in the time entry screen.
    Always hidden
    to never display the item in the time entry screen.
    User configurable
    to permit the employee to determine whether or not to show the item in the time entry screen.
    is displayed when no employees are selected or when multiple employees are selected and these do not have the same Shown/Hidden setting for the option.

    Time entry options:

Note: Most data entry and information fields described below are displayed in the details area of the time entry screen. The details area is only displayed, at the bottom of the time entry view, when you click in a cell within the time entry grid.



  1. Click Apply.

Note: The time entry screen has a similar view (Options tab) permitting these and other personal options to be modified. However, when an item is selected as "Always shown" or "Always hidden" using this view (Timesheet Options), these items are not available for modification by the employee using the Options view.


To modify expense entry fields (columns):

  1. Select Timesheet Options from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Timesheet Options).

  2. Click the Expense tab at the top of the screen.

  3. Select the employee whose expense data fields (columns) will be modified. To select more than one employee, hold the Ctrl key while making your selections.

  4. Select one or more expense data fields:

  1. For the selected fields, select:

    Always shown
    to always display the data entry field in the expense entry screen.
    Always hidden
    to never display the data entry field in the expense entry screen.
    User configurable
    to permit the employee to determine whether or not to show the data entry field in the expense entry screen.
    is displayed when no employees or columns are selected or when multiple employees/columns are selected and these do not have the same Shown/Hidden setting for the option.

  2. Click Apply.



  • The expense entry view's Sheet Name, Project and Date fields are required fields and therefore are not available to be hidden from a user.

  • The expense entry screen has a show/hide columns option permitting individual users to show or hide expense entry fields. However, when an item is selected as "Always shown" or "Always hidden" using this view (Timesheet Options), these items are not available for modification by the employee using the show/hide columns function.