
The Settings view permits you to change your password, determine what information and data fields are displayed in the time entry screen, as well as establish the settings for other personal preferences for those users with access rights to the administrative areas of the software.


Note: Some options described below may not be available if your administrator or manager has chosen to hide some options or chosen to prevent you from modifying options.


To modify timesheet details and personal options:

  1. In the upper right corner, mouse over your name and select Settings.

  2. Make changes as required.

  3. Click Apply (at the very bottom of the view).


Change Password:

    • Enter and confirm your new password in the password fields. If 'Strong Password' has been enabled by your administrator, your password is required to contain at least 8 characters, contain at least 3 of the following character types - uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number or special character and cannot contain your e-mail address.


Timesheet details:

    • Show Start/End times: Show/hide the Start and End times in the details area of the time entry screen.

    • Show Project Description: Show/hide the project description in the time entry details area. When hidden, the project description can be viewed by mousing over the project name in the assignment tree or timesheet grid.

    • Show Task Description:  Show/hide the task description in the time entry details area. When hidden, the task description can be viewed by mousing over the task name in the assignment tree or timesheet grid.

    • Show Time Description: Show/hide the time entry description field in the time entry details area.

    • Show Client Overtime: Show/hide the Client Overtime Rate drop-down list in the time entry details area.

    • Show Company Overtime: Show/hide the Company Overtime Rate (Overtime Rate) drop-down list in the time entry details area.

    • Show Task Progress information: Show/hide the Task Progress information in the time entry details area.

Time entry details as displayed in time entry tool


Work Time

    • First Day of the week: Select the default day of the week that starts each week for time entry.

    • Start time: Set "My day starts at" to the time you normally start working. It is used to set a default start time when the "Start from last" button is used at the beginning of each day. It is also used to set the start time when the day's first time entry is entered as a Duration.

    • Default sheet for new week: This option determines which assignments are added to the timesheet grid when a new week is started.


      • Prompt for options: Shows all options every time a new week is started.

      • Blank sheet: This option leaves the timesheet grid blank. You must manually add the assignments or manually use Favorites.

      • From favorites: This option automatically adds all assignments located in the Favorites tab to the timesheet grid.

      • From last week: This option copies all the task row assignments from the previous week to the new timesheet grid. No time entries are copied.

      • From last week without blank rows: This option copies all the task rows from the previous week to the new timesheet grid and removes any blank rows (those having no time entries).

    • When submitting, warn if day: To set a warning for minimum or maximum number of working hours per day. When submitting time, the submit summary window displays all days that do not comply with the limits.



    • Time Format: Set the time entry format for the Start and End time fields in the details area. This option is only available if the Show Start/End times option (above) is s

    • et to ‘Yes’. Note that the 'AM/PM' terminology does not change with regional settings.

    • Regional setting: Select the regional setting for date, number and currency formats. This option is only available if Currencies have been enabled. You may need to logout and log back in to see the regional setting changes applied throughout the software.

    • Paper Size: Sets the default paper size for reporting.

    • Set the number of rows to display: (Paging in some Administrative views)This option applies to some grid-type views in the Administrative side of the software (Expense Categories, Workflows, etc.). It does not affect the number of rows in the time entry screen.  This function limits the number of rows of information to display in those specific views. Check the box and set the number of rows to display. Uncheck to remove all limits.

    • Alternate Manager approval: This function is only applicable to managers who are assigned as approving managers in one or more Approval Workflows. You can modify the text used in the e-mail notifications sent to alternate approving managers. ClosedChange Notification Text...


      When you normally approve time and expenses and you also have alternate approving managers configured, you can modify the text used in the e-mail notifications automatically sent from you to your alternate approving managers whenever you change your Approval's In/Out status.


        1. Click the Change Notification Text link.

        2. Modify the text in the Subject line and in the Body as required. The tags used in the subject line and body cannot be edited. New tags cannot be added, but existing tags can be removed.

        3. Click the Preview button to see the applied changes.  


      • Employee names displayed in the Preview may use demo data.

      • Pressing the Restore Defaults button will remove all applied changes and restore the Subject line, Body text and tags to their default settings.

      • Basic HTML formatting tags, such as <br> to add a line break, can be used to format the message.


        1. By default, the newly modified text will only be applied to this particular notification job. It can be applied to all additional and/or existing notification jobs by selecting either of the available checkboxes.

          • Make this the default text for "same type" notifications: Use this option to apply the text changes to all new notification jobs of the same type. That is, if you are modifying an ‘Out of Office’ notification, then all new ‘Out of office' notification jobs will use this as the template. Existing notification jobs are not modified.

          • Make this the default text for all existing "same type" notification jobs: Use this option to apply the text changes to all existing notification jobs of the same type.

        1. Click the Save button to apply the changes.

    • Email Address: Used to change your email address for login.

    • Instant e-mail notifications:

      • Notify me when I have time or expenses to approve: Check this option to immediately receive an e-mail whenever a timesheet is awaiting your approval. This option is only applicable if you are a designated approving manager for employee timesheets. Consideration should be taken before selecting this option as it immediately sends an e-mail each time an employee submits a time/expense sheet - one e-mail for each submission by each employee. If you are approving for many employees, then your e-mail inbox could be flooded with approval notices. An alternate option is method is to use the Scheduled Notification feature that will only send 1 e-mail summarizing all time and expenses to be approved.

      • Notify me when my time or expenses have been rejected: Check this option to immediately receive an e-mail whenever one of your own time or expense sheets has been rejected.




    • Data Access token:  If API Access is enabled by your administrator, this token may be required to access your information through a 3rd party application or widget. Copy and paste this access token in the application or widget. Resetting the token will generate a new token and de-authorize the previous one. If you are using the current access token and you reset it, you will need to copy and paste the new token in any 3rd party tool or widget you are actively using.