Show/Hide Assignments

Use the Show/Hide Assignments option in the Project Assignments view to hide a particular task assignment from an employee. When a task assignment is hidden, the employee cannot enter time against that task. Hiding a task assignment has no effect on previously recorded time against that task.  

To hide a task assignment from an employee:

  1. Select Project Assignments from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Project Assignments).

  2. In the assignment tree, locate the task/employee assignment to hide and click on the employee .

  3. Click the Show/Hide Assignments button located on the toolbar.

When hidden, the employee image is now shown as faded .


Clicking the Show/Hide Assignments button again will reverse the operation.



  • For the employee, the task will be hidden/shown in the time entry view the next time the time entry screen is refreshed.

  • If a project is linked to Microsoft Project, then the Publish option available within Microsoft Project may override this setting whenever assignments are updated.

  • If a Project Assignments view project is converted into a Project Planning tool project, then any task assignments for the project that are hidden using this function are reset to the 'Show assignment' status.


Tip: The Show/Hide Assignment function is available by using your mouse's right click button.