Security Groups

A Security Group defines what views and tools are available to a user. For each security group, every view and tool in the software is listed with the option to enable or disable access to that item.


The Security Groups tab is used to view pre-defined (built-in) security groups and is used to create custom security groups when the existing ones do not perfectly match your requirements. Security groups are not applied to users via this view. This is accomplished using each user’s profile.




  • The software includes 5 pre-defined security groups, which cannot be modified or deleted. These security groups are Administrator, Manager, Team Lead, Auditor and Time & Expense Entry. See Pre-Defined Security Groups for a detailed description.

  • A report detailing access settings for all security groups is available in the Reports view (Security Permissions).

To create a custom security group:


Tip: The fastest way to create a new security group is to identify which of the existing security groups best fits the new group's requirements; copy and paste this security group and then make the necessary changes to the name, permissions, etc.


  1. Select Security Groups from the navigation bar (Security > Security Groups).

  2. Click the New Security Group button near the top of the screen.

    A security group properties window opens

  3. Enter a unique security group name (up to 100 characters).

  4. (Optional) Enter a brief description for the security group (up to 250 characters).

    The pop-up has 2 list boxes: Views and Tools/features. These contain all the views and tools you can modify.


  5. The Views list box displays all available administrative views for which Read, Modify and Delete can be modified. Select each view and assign permissions by choosing Yes or No in each access type drop-down list.

    Access types:

    • Read: To see the view but not add, edit or delete items.

    • Modify: To read, add, edit and save items. Cannot delete items.

    • Delete: To delete items.


Mixed is displayed as the status when more than one view is selected from the list and these do not have identical access settings.

  1. The Tools/Features list box displays the tools and features which can be enabled or disabled. Select each item and assign permission by choosing Yes or No in the Access drop-down list. Some items in the Tools/Features list are not readily identifiable with specific views. These are explained in 'List box notes' at the end of this topic.

  2. (Optional) Show/hide company or client cost and employee rate information for this security group by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Cost Security area. These options apply to time related costs and rates only. Expense costs are not hidden.

    • Show Client cost information: Un-check this box to hide client cost, pay rate and overtime rate information in applicable views and reports for all users assigned to this security group.

    • Show company cost information: Un-check this box to hide company cost, billing rate and overtime rate information in applicable views and reports for all users assigned to this security group.

Note: The Cost Security settings do not hide rates from those views that are specifically designed to create and review rates. As a precaution, make sure that any security group with one or both of these boxes unchecked also has restricted access to the following: Bulk Employee Update view and the Security Groups view.


  1. (Optional) Check the Flag for archive box if you want to remove this security group from the database the next time the Archive Database function is run.

  2. Click Done to save the information and close the window, or click New to save the information and create a new security group.

  3. If the new security group has access to the Reports view, then assign the new security group to each report as required. This is necessary because a new security group has no access to any report. However, if you are editing a copy of an existing security group then you should review each report’s security.

Next step

The new security group is now created but still has to be assigned to one or more employees. This is accomplished via each user’s profile or by using the Bulk Employee Update tool to make changes to multiple employees.



  • If an administrator changes a security group while an employee is using the software, then the new security changes will not take effect until the employee logs out of the software.

  • The number of security groups displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons (at the top of the screen) to view additional record pages.


Notes about list boxes:

Most items displayed in the Views and Tools/features list boxes are directly related to specific views and are self-explanatory. The following items are supporting features of specific views and require further explanation


  • Limited Access Bulk Update: This option allows the user to apply Limited Access security to items using the Limited Access view..

  • Time Lockout - Bulk Edit Override: This option allows the user to modify items (time entries, rates, etc.) that are within a Lockout period. When applicable, the user is shown an option to update information in a lockout period.



  • To view or edit details for more than one security group, open a security group properties and use the Next Record button (or Previous) to move to the next security group. Clicking the Next (or Previous) button automatically saves any changes made.

  • Double click an item in the grid to see that item's properties.