Right Click functions are available in the Time entry view's assignment tree and timesheet grid areas of the time entry screen giving you quick access to certain functions and features.
Assignment tree:
Collapse All: Collapses all open branches.
Select All: Selects all items in the assignment tree.
Unselect All: Unselects all items in the assignment tree.
Add To Favorites: Adds the selected items to your favorites.
Add To Timesheet: Adds the selected items to the timesheet grid.
Refresh: Refreshes the assignment lists.
Show All: An administrative feature permits a manager to hide assignments when the date is outside the task’s scheduled start and finish dates. This option shows all assignments available regardless of the assignments' start and finish dates.
Timesheet grid:
Start Timer: Starts the timer on the selected task assignment.
Start Timer from Last: Starts the timer on the selected task assignment and sets the Start time so that it is equal to the end time of the previous time entry. The Show Start/End time option must be enabled to use Start From Last.
Stop Timer: Stops the timer.
Create Multiple Row: Creates an additional time entry row for the selected task assignment.
Delete Selected Rows: Deletes all selected rows.
Expand: Expands a multiple row.
Collapse: Collapses a multiple row.