Reporting Glossary

Actual Hours:Actual hours are the employee entered hours against projects and tasks that are submitted and approved. Hours that have been entered but not submitted or hours that are waiting for approval are excluded.


Actual Client Cost: The calculated amount used for billing clients (or for charge back) for hours worked against projects and tasks. Actual Client costs are only calculated on approved time entries that are tagged as billable. Expense related costs are excluded from this amount.

  • Client cost = billable hours worked x billing rate x overtime billing prorating


Actual Company Cost: The calculated amount used to determine your company's internal cost for hours worked against projects and tasks. Actual Company costs are only calculated on approved time entries. Expense related costs are excluded from this amount.

  • Company cost= hours worked x pay rate x overtime pay prorating



Administrative users: Users who have access to both the Administrative functions of the software and the Time and Expense entry tools. These are normally Managers, Team Leaders, Executives and System Administrators.


Approved Expenses: Expenses entered against projects that are submitted and approved. Expenses that have been entered but not submitted or expenses that are waiting for approval are excluded.


Approved Hours: See Actual Hours


Ascending sort order: Sort column data from lowest to highest (0-9, A-Z)


Billing rate: A hourly rate assigned to employees, projects and tasks used to calculate client costs.


Budgeted Client Cost: The calculated budgeted cost used for billing clients (or for charge back) for project and task assignments. Budgeted Client costs are calculated amounts based on budgeted hours and hourly billing rates applied to each assignment. Budgeted Expense related costs are excluded from this amount.

  • Budgeted client cost = budgeted hours x hourly billing rate

Budgeted Company Cost: The calculated budgeted cost used to determine your company's budgeted cost to accomplish a task or project. Budgeted Expense related costs are excluded from this amount.

  • Budgeted company cost = budgeted hours x hourly pay rate


Budgeted Hours: The number of hours predicted to complete a task or project.


Calculated Columns: An advanced reporting function used to add a custom column showing data based on a formula that you define.


Client Cost: See Actual Client Cost


Column Format: An advanced function to change the calculation used to display the data at the end of a columns (Sum, Avg, Min, Max, etc.)


Company Cost: See Actual Company Cost


Descending sort order: Sort column data from highest to lowest (9-0, Z-A)



Data Type: Data types define what type of data is included in the report (time, expenses, costs, etc.)


Display Type: Display types determine how the data is displayed (in a table, pie chart, grid, etc.)


Filter: Filters allow a user to limit the information returned in the report.


Grid Report: Used to group data in an easy-to-read format similar to a spreadsheet with totals displayed at the end of each column and row.


Grouping: Primarily used to organize longer reports into a more convenient design - Usually data is grouped by project, task, employee, date, etc.


Hours Worked: See Actual Hours


- in Currency Entered: The amount displayed in the currency originally selected by the user who entered the amount.


- in Employee Wage Currency: The amount converted to the currency selected for the employee's Rate of Wages.


- in Project Currency: The amount converted to the currency selected for the project.


Pay rate: An hourly rate assigned to employees used to calculate company costs.


Private Reports – Your own reports that are not available to any other user.


Public Reports– The reports that are public to all administrative users who have access to the Reports view. 


Raw Data Report: Used to display raw data in columns. Typically used to send data to Excel or another application.


Report Builder: The Report builder is the combined set of functions that permit a user to create a new report or to edit an existing one.


Report Permission: A view used to apply user level security to Public reports.


Report Type: A combination of Data type and Display type that defines what is displayed in the report (time, costs, expenses, etc.) and how it is displayed ( standard, pie chart, grid, etc.)


Schedule report: A function that allows a report to be automatically run and e-mailed to yourself or other recipients at scheduled intervals.


Sorting: Used to change the order of data in a report. You can set from which column to sort by and set whether to sort ascending or descending.


Standard Report: These are 'typical' reports where data is shown in columns with the ability to group and sort the data. Most reports are built using the Standard display type.


System report: A special type of report that cannot be edited.


Time Entry users: Users who only have access to the time and expense entry tools.