Report Security

The Report Security tab is used to apply user level security to Public reports. For each Security Group that exists in the database, you are able to set which public reports are available to members of that security group. The Report Security tab is also the location where an Administrator can set a report to be made available to employees who only use the software to enter their time and expenses.

To adjust public report security:

  1. Select Security from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Security).

  2. Select the Report Security tab.

    The left side panel lists 2 categories:

    Time & Expense users - Select this area to assign a public report to Time Entry only users via the Reports tab in their time entry tool.
    Security Groups - Select this area to assign public reports to one or more security groups.

  3. Select the Security Group or Time & Expense users area.

    The right side panel displays all Public reports.

  4. Check or uncheck the Allowed box as required for the group selected.

  5. Click Apply in the upper right hand corner.



  • Sort or filter the list of public reports by using the options at the top of the view.

  • You may multi-select Security Groups in the left side panel to make mass changes to security.