
Proratings are variables assigned to tasks and overtime rates used in calculating client costs. This topic describes (1) how proratings are used in calculating client costs and (2) describes the different options for editing proratings.

Task prorating:

When you assign a prorating to a task, that prorating value is multiplied by the employee's rate charged (billing rate) and the number of hours worked against that task to calculate the client cost for that task. By default, each task is assigned a prorating value of 1.


Example: The task called Audit has a prorating of 1.25 and Jane’s hourly rate charged is $100 per hour, the client cost for a 2 hour time entry on this task is calculated as follows:

$100 rate charged x 1.25 task prorating x 2 hours = $250.



Task proratings can be edited from:

  1. Tasks: When you edit a task prorating from the Tasks view, the new value will be used on all future time entries, unless the prorating for a specific task assignment was modified using the Project Planning tool or Budgeted Time & Cost views. (see 2 to 3 belowsee 2 to 4 below). The new value can also be applied to approved time entries using the More button, which appears next to the Prorating field.

  2. Budgeted Time & Cost: When you edit the task prorating from this view, the new value will only be applied to future time entries on the specific project/task assignments selected.

  3. Project Planning tool: When you edit an assignment's task prorating from this view, the new value will only be applied to future time entries on the specific assignment selected.

  4. Project Assignments: When you edit an assignment's properties from this view, the new value will only be applied to future time entries on the specific project/task assignment selected.

  5. Actual Time & Costs: When you edit the task prorating from this view, this will apply the new value to the approved time entries selected.

If a project has its Freeze budget costs option selected, then task prorating changes will not be applied to the project.


Overtime prorating:

When you assign a prorating to an overtime rate, the client cost calculation is the same as described above except that the employee’s rate charged (billing rate) is also multiplied by the overtime rate prorating when the time entry is submitted as overtime. By default, each overtime rate is assigned a prorating value of 1.


Example: If Jane submits a time entry for 2 overtime hours (with an overtime prorating of 1.5) on the same Audit task described above, the client cost for this time entry is calculated as follows:


$100 rate charged x 1.25 task prorating x 2 hours x 1.5 overtime prorating = $375.



Overtime proratings can be edited from:

  1. Overtime Rates: When you edit an overtime prorating from this view, the new value will be used on all future time entries. The new value can also be applied to approved time entries using the More button, which appears next to the Prorating field.

  2. Actual Time & Costs: When you edit an overtime prorating from this view, this will apply the new value to the approved time entries selected.


If a project has its Freeze budget costs option selected, then the overtime prorating changes will not be applied to the project.