Project-based Approval Workflows

Project-based approval workflows are used to direct submitted time or expenses that are tracked against a specific project to one or more approving managers. When more than one manager needs to approve a sheet, the workflow also controls which manager approves first, second, and so on. Project-based approval workflows are one of 2 types of available approval workflows.



The following describes how to (1) create a Project-based Approval workflow and how to (2) create and (3) edit a Project Approval template.



To create a project-based approval workflow:

  1. Select Approval Workspace from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Approval Workspace).

  2. Select the Workflows tab near the top of the screen.

  3. Select the Approval Workflow tab located below the toolbar.

  4. From the Projects drop-down list, select the project for which this approval workflow will apply.


  5. Click the New button on the toolbar to launch the Workflow pop-up window.

  6. Enter a unique name for this project’s approval workflow (up to 100 characters). It’s a good idea to also include the project name in this field or in the description field (step 8).

  7. Select the type of workflow (Timesheet or Expense) from the drop-down list. Note that the approval type cannot be modified after the workflow is created.

  8. (Optional) Enter a description for this project’s approval workflow (up to 250 characters).

  9. (Optional) Select a template from the drop-down list. If the exact same list of employees and managers is going to be used for multiple projects, then it’s a good idea to first create an approval template or use an existing one. When the Connect to Template box displays YES, any future changes made to the template can be transferred to the workflows created from it.

  1. From the list of Available Employees, select and transfer employees to the Assigned Employees list using the Assign button (use the Assign All button to transfer all available employees to the Assigned list).



  • The Available Employees list displays all employees that are assigned to this project.

  • Employees can only be assigned to one Timesheet workflow and one Expense workflow per project.


Tip: You can graphically review approval paths for any employee by clicking the Show Approval Paths button on the toolbar.


  1. From the list of Available Managers, select and transfer the managers that need to approve the time or expense entries to the Approving Managers list. The Available Managers list includes all employees with access to administrative functions (assigned to "All" in the employee properties Software access field). To approve time and expenses, employees listed as a manager should also have a security level giving them access to the Time & Expense Approval view (normally Team Lead or above).

  2. The order of the managers displayed in the Approving Managers list represents the approving order. The first manager shown will need to approve the time or expenses before the second manager listed (if any) can approve the time or expenses, and so on. To change the order of an approving manager, select the manager and click the up or down arrow button.

  3. (Optional) The ‘Combine this workflow with All Projects workflow’ box is used to join this project specific workflow with existing ‘All Projects’ (Sheet-based) workflows.

Checked: Submitted entries that are identified for project approvals are first extracted and sent to the project approving manager before they are forwarded to the approving manager for the All Projects (Sheet-based) workflow. Entries not associated with project specific approvals are immediately forwarded to the All Projects workflow approving manager. See diagram below.

: Submitted entries associated with Project-based Approvals bypass any All Projects (Sheet-based) approval workflows.

Sample scenario:

All of Jack’s time entries must be approved by his division’s supervisor (Ralph) and as such, Jack is assigned to an All Projects workflow (sheet-based workflow) where Ralph is the approving manager. Jack is also working on a project where that project’s manager (Jane) wants to approve Jack’s time for her project and does not need to review Jack’s other time entries.

This workflow scenario is achieved by creating a Project specific workflow where Jane is the Approving Manager for her project and then checking the ‘Combine this workflow…’ checkbox near the bottom of the Workflow pop-up window.


Workflow when 'Combine' option is checked




Workflow when 'Combine' option is un-checked

  1. Click Done.

The project approval workflow is now setup, assigned and active.


Tip: There are a few options to notify managers via e-mail when they have time or expenses awaiting their approval.



  • A red icon (Alert Center) is placed below the Logout button whenever an approving manager has time or expenses awaiting approval.

  • The number of workflows displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons or (at the top of the screen) to view additional record pages.



Project Approval Templates

Project Approval Templates are primarily used to reduce the work involved in creating a new project approval workflow and to carry out widespread changes more efficiently. By using an approval template as a foundation, you can create a new project approval workflow that is linked its originating template. Then any future changes made to the template can be transferred to the workflow.


A project approval template is most useful when the same list of employees and managers is going to be used for multiple project-based approval workflows.

To create a project approval template:

  1. Select the Approval Template tab below the toolbar. All existing approval templates are displayed.

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar to launch the Template pop-up window.

  3. Enter a unique name for this Approval Template (up to 100 characters).

  4. Select the type of workflow (Timesheet or Expense) from the drop-down list.

  5. (Optional) Un-check the Public box to make this template available only to you. When checked, the template is available to any user creating project-based approval workflow. This option cannot be modified after the template is saved.

  6. (Optional) Enter a description for the Approval Template (up to 250 characters).

  7. From the list of Available Employees, select and transfer employees to the Assigned Employees list using the Assign button .

Note: Approval templates are not project specific (unlike project-based approval workflows). Therefore, the Available Employees for an approval template includes all employees.


  1. From the list of Available Managers, select and transfer the managers that need to approve the time or expense entries to the Assigned Managers list. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to adjust the approval order for a manager. The Approving Managers list includes all employees with access to administrative functions (assigned to "All" in the employee properties Software access field).

  2. Click Done.

    This approval template is now ready to use whenever a project-based approval workflow is created.

To edit a project approval template:

  1. Select the Project Approval Template from the list in the Approval Template tab.

  2. Click the properties button on the toolbar.

  3. Make changes to employees or managers as required.

  4. Click Done.



Note: The Update Workflows screen displays all the project-based workflows that are linked to this template. This is the opportunity to transfer the template changes to any or all linked workflows.


  1. In front of each listed workflow is an Update checkbox. Check the workflows to update.

  2. Check the Update Employees and Update Managers boxes as required.

  3. Press OK to complete the update.