Preparation - Manager level configuration

Prior to using Limited Access, there are 2 configuration items to check. You need to verify if Manager-level is the current limited access configuration - and switch if necessary. You also need to review the option to automatically assign limited access when new items are created.

Verify the current limited access operating mode:

  1. Select Security from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Security).

  2. Select the Limited Access tab.   

  3. Expand the Options window at the very bottom by clicking on the expand button.


Warning: When switching from hierarchy to manager mode, all hierarchy information and limited access assignments are lost. See 'Switch Operating Mode' for more information.


Limited Access configuration options

Establish the default assignments for new items:

The status of the second checkbox “Grant access automatically to all new Projects, Tasks, Task Groups, Employees, Teams” determines if and how limited access assignments are automatically created when new items are added.






  1. Check or uncheck the option.

  2. Click the Apply button.

  3. Acknowledge the Warning message by clicking OK.  


Note: Changing the status of this checkbox has no impact on existing limited access assignments. Only newly created projects, tasks, task groups, employees and teams are affected.