Overtime Rates

Overtime Rates are used to establish a prorating (multiplier) which is then assigned to employee Rate of Wages and Rate Charged hourly rates (pay and charge out rates). Accordingly, when employees work overtime, they have the option to select an overtime rate from the time entry tool, and the appropriate client or company costs are calculated.


Company overtime cost =  hours worked x rate of wages x overtime prorating

Client overtime cost = billable hours worked x task prorating x rate charged x overtime prorating


For example, if an overtime rate called "Time and ½" is assigned to an employee, then the employee is able to select the "Time and ½" rate when working overtime.


Example: Mary has a $150/hour Rate Charged value and has the "Time and ½" overtime rate (1.5) assigned to it. When Mary submits 2 overtime hours on a billable project, the client cost is calculated as $150 x 1.5 x 2 hours = $450.


To add an overtime rate:

  1. Select Overtime Rates from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Overtime Rates).

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar.

  3. Enter a unique name for the overtime rate (up to 50 characters). The name should clearly identify the rate since this rate is displayed (when applicable) in an Overtime drop-down list in the time entry screen.

  4. Enter the prorating multiplier for the overtime rate. By default, a prorating value of 1 is assigned to a new overtime rate. Ignore the More button if you are creating a new Overtime Rate. The More button is used when editing an existing Overtime Rate prorating and you want to backdate existing proratings applied to this Overtime Rate.

  5. (Optional) Enter a description (up to 250 characters) – for example, to which group the overtime rate applies.

  6. (Optional) Check the Flag for archive box if you want to remove this overtime rate from the database the next time the Archive Database function is run.

  7. Click Save .



This overtime rate must now be assigned to employee rates.


Note: The number of overtime rates displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons or (at the top of the screen) to view additional record pages.



  • You can add fields to track additional overtime rate information by using Custom fields .

  • Additional tabs are available at the bottom of the view to add Notes.

  • Use the Find function to locate a specific overtime rate by name.


To edit an overtime rate:

  1. Select a row and edit information as required.

  2. If you edit the prorating rate, a More button is displayed. Click the More button to backdate  existing proratings applied to this Overtime Rate.

    Note: When Time Lockout is enabled, attempts to edit rates associated with existing time entries that fall within the lock out period will either be denied or further options will be made available for those individuals with the appropriate security rights.  Full details are available in the 'More' help topic.


  1. Click OK after making your update selection. If you have selected Replace last value only, or Replace all values from, a message window is displayed warning that the change is permanent and cannot be undone. Click OK to continue or Cancel.

  2. Click Save .