Manager Incomplete Timesheet Notifications

The Job Scheduler's Manager Incomplete Timesheet Notification feature provides the ability to send e-mails to managers that lists employees who do not have a specified minimum number of hours.

Sample e-mail sent to managers

To create a manager incomplete timesheet notification:

  1. Select Job Scheduler from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Job Scheduler).

  2. Select Notification from the drop-down list at the top left corner of the screen.

    The Job Scheduler window opens.

    On the Data (Step 1) tab

  1. Enter a name for this job (up to 100 characters).

  2. (Optional) Enter a description (up to 250 characters).

  3. Select Manager Incomplete Timesheet Notification from the Notification Type drop-down list.

  4. In the Warn if time is below field, enter the number of hours (for the date range to be specified below) that will trigger a Manager Incomplete Timesheet notification. Example; 37.5 hours.

  5. Using the Range of Days drop-down list, select the period against which the Job Scheduler will search for incomplete timesheets to be included in the e-mail.

    Note: The date and time in which this scheduled job will be run (see "Schedule - Step 4" below) should be considered when selecting the date range option, as this range will automatically advance for jobs scheduled to be run daily, weekly or monthly. For example, if you want a weekly Monday e-mail notifying you of all incomplete timesheets for the previous week, you would select the Last Week date range option.


Result: Under these settings, if the job is set to run on June 20, the notification will include 7 days of data beginning on June 10. That is, the e-mail will be sent on June 20th that lists all employee timesheets from June 10 to June 16 that contain less than the number of hours set in the Warn if time is below field.

  1. Select the employees on which to report.

  1. (Optional) Modify the text shown in the e-mail by clicking on the Change Notification Text... link.


On the Recipients (Step 2) tab

  1. From the Managers available list box, select the managers that are to be notified and move them to the Managers selected list box using the Move button .  The Managers available list includes all employees with valid e-mail addresses and with access to administrative views (assigned to "All" in the employee properties Software access field).

    On the SMTP (Step 3) tab

  2. SKIP THE SMTP (Step 3) TAB. Do Not Edit the information displayed in this tab.

    On the Schedule (Step 4) tab

  3. Set the Run schedule properties. This establishes when the job will run.

Note: If your local time is different than the time on the hosted server, then the server time is displayed in parentheses to the right of the time field.


  1. Click Done. The notification job is now displayed in the Job Scheduler's list of jobs.



Note: All time fields in the Job Scheduler must use the 24 hour format; 23:00 instead of 11:00 PM.


Tip: It’s a good practice to set automated job run times when the system demands are low (evenings, overnight or other non-peak times).