Limited Access Group filter

Dovico Planning & TimesheetDovico Timesheet has 3 types of filters; basic filters (for most views), Project Assignments view filters and Limited Access Group filters. This topic describes how to use Limited Access Group filters.


Use the Limited Access Group Filter function to only view those items (projects, tasks, task groups, employees or teams) that are assigned to specific access groups.



  • When the Limited Access Group filter is applied, it is automatically applied in 7 locations: Project Assignments view, Items List - Projects, Items List - Tasks, Items List - Task Groups, Items List - Employees, Items List - Teams and in the Reports view when selecting report filters.

  • Limited Access Group filters created in a view are personal and are not applied to other users.

To apply a limited access group filter:

  1. From the applicable view.

  2. Click the Limited Access Group filter button on the toolbar.

    A filter window opens.

  3. Use the Access Group drop-down to select which access groups to apply as a filter.

  4. Click OK to view the results.

To remove a limited access group filter:

  1. Click the Limited Access Group filter button on the toolbar.

  2. Click the Select All icon .

  3. Click OK.