Leave/Absences Rules

The Leave/Absences Rules view allows a manager to apply the policies that determine how much, and how fast, employees can accrue vacation, sick leave, and other types of leave. Each leave/absences rule consists of one or more sets of instructions (accrual rules). These leave/absences rules are then applied to employees.


An accrual rule can be based on actual time worked or based on elapsed time. Accrual rules permit employees and managers to see up-to-date accrued totals at any time.


The design flexibility of accrual rules permits simple and complex rules to be created. As a general statement, accrual rules are created for vacation and sick leave. Other uses include creating rules that accumulate leave for overtime, flextime, etc.


Accrual rules have 5 components, which should be considered before any rule is created.

1.   The frequency at which time is accrued: Accrue 1 hour for every week worked.

2.   Whether time is accrued based on actual work or on elapsed time.

3.   The task against which time is being accrued: Is time being accrued towards vacation, sick leave, flex time.

4.   Whether time can be accrued against regular time, overtime, flex time, etc.

5.   Any maximum level at which accruals should stop: Can only accrue 10 sick days per year.


As most companies base their vacation and sick leave policies on job descriptions or seniority, Leave/Absences rules are commonly created for each classification of employee. Examples



To add a new leave/absences rule:

  1. Select Leave/Absences Rules from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Leave/Absences Rules).

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar.

  3. Enter a unique leave/absences name (i.e. Senior Management rule, Employed 1-2 years rule, etc. up to 100 characters).

  4. (Optional) Enter a description (up to 250 characters).

  5. Click the Add button located in the bottom of the view.

  6. Enter the details in the Add/Edit Accrual Rule window:



  • Accrued time only occurs after the full period established in the "for every" field has passed. For example, if the rule is set to accrue 1 hour for every 10 hours worked, you will not accrue 0.5 hours after 5 hours worked nor accrue 0.75 hours after 7.5  hours worked, etc. For this reason, you should be cautious when selecting lengthy accrual periods such as every 6 months, or every 1 year.

  • When accruing by month or year, you cannot set the 'for every' field to a fraction of a month or year. For example, 0.5 months, 1.75 months or 0.25 years, etc., are not permitted.

  • The Accrual Start date is initially set to the date that the Leave/Absences rule is assigned to the employee. For example, Joe accrues 1 sick day every month; if Joe’s sick leave accrual was assigned to him on July 20th, then he earns 1 sick day on August 20th, then another day on September 20th, and so on,. The accrual start date can be modified using the Additional tab in the employee's properties window.



      • Regular Time Only: The accrual will only occur when time entries are entered as regular time (not overtime).

      • Overtime Only: The accrual will only occur if time entries are entered as client overtime or company overtime.

      • Both Regular time and Overtime: The accrual will only occur when time entries are entered as regular time, company overtime or client overtime.

      • Flex Time Only: The accrual will only occur when flex time is used. See Flex Time for complete instructions on setting up the software so employees can bank time.

      • Both Regular Time and Flex time: The accrual will only occur when time entries are entered as regular time or flex time.


  1. Click OK.

  2. Click Save .


The Accrual rule is now created and is available to be assigned to any or all employees by using the Additional tab in the Employee's properties window.





The picture below shows a Vacation accrual rule permitting an employee to accrue 0.83 vacation days per month (10 days per year), to a maximum of 10 days.



Note: The number of leave/absences rules displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons or (at the top of the screen) to view additional record pages.


To edit a leave/absences accrual rule:

  1. Select the Leave/Absences rule from the list at the top of the view.

  2. Select an accrual rule from the list in the bottom pane.

  3. Click the Edit button.

  4. Edit the details for the Accrual Rule in the appropriate boxes (i.e. the picture above shows the Vacation accrual rule, shown previously, edited to reflect fifteen days vacation per year for an employee).

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save .