Items List - Teams

Teams are used to group specific employees in a team, department or division. Using teams provides flexibility when assigning employees to tasks as well as flexibility in reporting by being able to create summary time or costs reports at the team level.


Teams are displayed as an optional selection in employee profiles. Any employee can be assigned to a team.


This topic describes how to add a team using the Items List view. Teams can also be added using the Project Assignments view.

To add a team using the Items List view:

  1. Select Items List from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Items List).

  2. Select Teams in the drop-down list at the upper left corner of the view.

  3. Click the New button located in the toolbar.

    A team properties window opens.

  4. Enter a unique team Name (up to 250 characters).

  5. Click Done to save the information and close the window, or click New to save the information and create a new team.


  6. From the Limited Access field, select which managers or Access Groups can access this team. Only the selected managers (or members of the selected access groups) are permitted to view and report on this team.

Depending on which limited access operating mode is enabled, either a list of manager names or a hierarchical tree of access groups is displayed in the limited access drop-down list. See Notes that follow.




  1. Enter a Description for the team (up to 250 characters).

  2. Check the Flag for archive box if you want to remove this team from the database the next time the Archive Database function is run.

  3. Click Done to save the information and close the window, or click New to save the information and create a new team.



  • An employee can only be assigned to one team, but teams may be switched at any time.

  • The number of teams displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons or (at the top of the screen) to view additional pages.



  • Additional tabs are available at the bottom of the team properties window to add Notes, Phone Numbers and Addresses.

  • To view or edit details for more than one team, open a team properties window and use the Next Record button (or Previous) to browse to other teams. Clicking the Next (or Previous) button automatically saves any changes made.

  • Use the Show/Hide column function to personalize what information is displayed in the team list view's grid.

  • Double click an item in the grid to see that item's properties .

  • You can add fields to track extra team information by using Custom fields .

  • Use the Find function to locate a specific team by name.