GET MORE TIME SERIES #10: Accepting You

Why do we do the things we do? Do we do the things we do for us or do we do them for somebody else? When you dig deep, you will find that a majority of the things you do is for someone else, to make someone else happy, to be accepted, to be loved. It is normal to want to be a part of the tribe, to conform and to be useful but when…

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I Can’t Vs. I Won’t

Get More Time Series #9 What if every time you said you can’t, you instead replaced it with “I won’t”. Change “I can’t lose weight because I can’t move like I did when I was younger.” to “ I won’t lose weight because I am not willing to take a small walk every night until I can move.”. Change “I can’t get a better job because I don’t have the experience to get one.” to…

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GET MORE TIME SERIES #8: Throwing Up The Barriers

Don’t we put up barriers every time we dream of something big? I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough people. I don’t have enough patience. I don’t have enough time. I just can’t-do it. We waste so much energy telling ourselves that we cannot do something that if we channeled it correctly, we would probably have it done! We live our lives by constantly creating barriers that limit our success. Excuses that we…

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GET MORE TIME SERIES #7: Emotional Checks

Unlike the animal kingdom who are not self-aware, we humans can be our worst enemy by creating emotions that are not really warranted. We create anger when we are sad and we create doubt when we are happy. When we become introspective, we get confused as we cannot get away from the emotion that we think we feel. This self-consuming emotional storm festers until we can barely function and we lash out, or worse, shut…

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Walking Off The Stress

Get More Time Series #6 We waste so much time being stressed out. When we get overworked at home, at work, or both, we tend to think that we can work ourselves out of the jam. Is that ever really the case? Some of the most enlightening moments in life are when we are on a break from the action. Have you ever come up with one more thing to try when sitting in the…

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GET MORE TIME SERIES #5: Addicted To Distraction

One of the biggest time wasters we have is the addiction to distraction. While being distracted is not always a bad thing, it is when we become addicted to the distraction as a means of avoiding our problems that it becomes a problem. Do you find yourself mindlessly checking your social media streams throughout the day? Do you notice yourself snacking on food and not even recalling the flavor? Have you ever spent an entire…

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We waste so much time on useless fear that for some of us, it has consumed all of our time and we can no longer function. We fear our future, we fear our past and we are left procrastinating in fear we will destroy both. When we lost sight of our present mind because we are living in too far in the future or anywhere in the past, we lose track of our time and before…

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Everyone Wants Your Reaction!

Get More Time Series #3 Can we go a day without being solicited for our reaction? It’s all over the news, our social media streams, advertising, radios, TVs and even in our schools. It is the relentless need for each us to be distracted and moved into action. If we are constantly moved into action, we are not afforded the time to investigate our own thoughts. Phone calls, emails, instant notifications, or a knock on your door….

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Who Is On Your List?

‘Get More Time’ Series #2 CEO, Yves Doucet, talks about Who and What could be potential distractions What can you live without? What can’t you live without? Who can you live without? Who can’t you live without? These are the great balancing acts between our happiness and our distraction. We are pulled in so many directions in a day that we lose sight of our priorities and we begin to use our time inefficiently….

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I Have No More Time

Get More Time Series #1 We trick ourselves into believing that having more is better. More space, more money, more things and more time! Our lives are a limitless hierarchy of perpetual gatherings. The more money we get the more things we can buy, the more space we can acquire. We work hard every day just to keep what we have and if we catch a break, we will get more than we will ever need. Problem…

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