Entering time in Bulk

This topic describes how to enter a duration (Bulk) for a task and also describes how to enter unique details for the time entry. Time entry can also be accomplished by (1) Tracking time while you work (Timer) or (2). Entering time using Start/End times (In/Out).


To enter a duration (bulk) against a task:

  1. Click the Timesheet tab located near the top of the screen.

    How assignments are displayed in the timesheet grid.

  2. Move to the applicable week by clicking the calendar row's arrow (or ) buttons. When logging into the software, the current week is displayed by default.

  3. Click in the cell intersecting the appropriate task and day of the week.

  4. Enter the number of hours worked against that task. Time can be entered in hh:mm or in decimal format (2:30 or 2.5), but always appears in decimal format when saved.

    2.5 hours entered against the Crash Test Dummies' Specifications task for Wednesday, October 8th.

    When a cell or task assignment is selected, the entire row is highlighted in yellow.

  5. (Optional) Modify or enter details for this time entry using the Time Entry Details area of the screen. Make sure you are entering or modifying data for the proper time entry by verifying the task assignment's date and name in the Time Entry Details title bar.

      More information about the Time Entry Details area.

  6. (Optional) Modify the ETC (in hours) located at the far right end of the timesheet grid for this assignment. Enter a value of 0 if the task has been completed or leave blank if ETCs are not used.

That's it. A time entry has now been entered. Keep reading to learn about other useful features and functions for time entry.


In some situations, you may need to add multiple time entries for the same task assignment on the same day with each time entry having its unique details.

For example; on the same day, you worked 3 hours on a task assignment and then later work 2 overtime hours on this same task. Although both time entries are for the same task, each entry can be considered unique for billing, payroll, reporting, etc. Another example is having multiple entries for the same task on the same day but each time entry having its own description.

To enter multiple time entries for the same assignment on the same day:

  1. Click on the task row where the additional row is to be created.

  2. Click the Create Multiple row button located on the toolbar. An empty row is created below the existing time entry.

  3. Enter the 2nd time in the empty cell. A new empty row is automatically created.

  4. Modify the time entry details as required.

  5. (Optional) Click the Collapse row button.

    Collapsed rows can be easily identified as their daily total hours appear in bold characters and the Expand button appears at the far left end of the row.



  • Data is saved automatically whenever you switch cells, change views/tabs, etc. Data is not saved if you log out or close the browser while adding or editing data in a field.

  • Time can be entered in hh:mm or in decimal format, but always appears in decimal format when saved.

  • If enabled, you can modify date and time formats using the Options tab's Regional settings.

  • The maximum number of hours you can enter for any day is 23.98 hours (23:59).

  • Time entries that have been Submitted or Approved  cannot be edited.

  • If Time Lockout has been enabled, you are prevented from entering or editing time for those days that are locked. You may request that the period be opened.



  • Right click in the timesheet grid to create a multiple row, delete a row, etc.

  • Double click on a multiple time entry task row to expand or collapse the row.

  • To view time for multiple weeks, run any one of the numerous time entry reports.

  • Increase the Timesheet grid area of the screen by minimizing () or resizing the Time Entry Details and/or the Assignment tree.

  • The ETC column and some information in the Time Entry Details area can be hidden. see Options.

  • Mouse over the project or task names in the timesheet grid or in the assignment tree to see their descriptions (if any).