Enter Mileage

The Expenses view allows you to enter mileage or other per unit or rate-based expenses for purchases or costs incurred against a project. Once submitted (and approved), expenses are saved in the database and are available for project cost reporting, analysis and billing.


In the expense entry view, expenses are organized by sheets. Each expense must belong to a sheet and each sheet must be associated to a project.


See Enter Expenses to learn how to enter non 'rate-based' expenses.




To enter a rate-based expense:

  1. Click the Expenses tab to access the Expense entry view.

  2. Click the Active Sheets tab in the upper left corner.


If entering an expense for an existing expense sheet:

3a.  Select the sheet from the Active sheets drop-down list and go to step 4.

If entering an expense for a new expense sheet:

3a.  Click the New sheet button on the toolbar.

3b.  Enter a Sheet name. When submitted, your name, the associated project and the date range are automatically added to the Sheet name where applicable.

3c.  Select a project for this sheet from the Project drop-down list.

  1. Click in an empty row (the row with the star at the far left).

  2. (Optional) Click the ... icon in the Attachment column to attach a file to this expense.  Most image file types can be uploaded, but some restrictions are enforced for security reasons. The maximum file size is 4MB. Once attached, you can click on the icon again to view, delete or re-attach the file. Holding your mouse over the icon displays the attached file's name.

  3. (Optional) Modify the expense date by clicking in the date cell and then clicking the calendar button .

  4. Click in the empty Expense Category cell displaying [None] and select a 'rate-based' Expense Category from the drop-down list. Rate-based expense categories are displayed with the unit cost value in parentheses. Example: Mileage ($0.45 per mile).

  5. Enter the number of units in the Quantity field. The Amount is automatically calculated. If enabled, the Amount is shown in the Expense Category's currency while the Converted Amount displays the converted amount in your reimbursement currency. The currencies used for the Expense Category and your Reimbursement Totals are determined by your administrator.

  6. (Optional) Select if this expense is reimbursable.

  7. (Optional) Enter a description for this expense (up to 4000 characters).


The following optional columns may appear within the expense entry grid. These can be displayed or hidden using the Show/Hide column function.


Custom Fields: Any required custom fields created by your manager automatically appear in the grid. Non-required custom fields can be added to the grid using the Show/Hide column function.



  • Expense attachment: To view an attached file, the software required to open the file format must exist on your computer (PDF reader, Excel, etc.).

  • The Reimbursable total displayed above the grid shows the total for the expense entries that have been checked as reimbursable within the sheet. The Reimbursable total does not include any markup, fixed costs or taxes.

  • The Sheet total displayed above the grid shows the total for all expense entries within the sheet. The Sheet total does not include any markup, fixed costs or taxes.

  • Expense entries having an amount = 0 are displayed in the expense entry screen. However, if the expense entry is not billable, it will be removed from the expense sheet when the sheet is submitted for approval. If the expense entry is billable and a fixed cost is applied, the expense will be submitted if the amount = 0. If the expense has an attachment, it will also be submitted if the amount = 0.

  • The Project drop-down list includes only those projects to which you are assigned.

  • Custom Fields may be disabled depending on the expense category selected.

  • The date and currency formats are based on the regional settings, either in personal settings if available, or set by your administrator.



  • An expense can be moved to another sheet by selecting the expense row and clicking the Move expense button on the toolbar.

  • Expense entry columns can be hidden using the Show/Hide columns function.

  • Delete an expense entry by selecting the row and clicking the delete row button on the toolbar.

  • Delete the entire expense sheet by clicking the delete sheet button on the toolbar.