This month-at-a-glance view enables a manager to quickly review, edit and reject time entries that have been approved. It also permits a manager to add time entries for other employees.
The Time Calendar view is accessed from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Time Calendar).
Select an employee from the drop-down list located at the top right-hand corner of the Time Calendar view.
Select the month and year.
The employee calendar is displayed
Hours shown in blue are regular hours worked
Hours shown in red are overtime hours worked
Click on the day of the month containing the time entries to edit.
Click the View Timesheet button on the toolbar.
Select the time entry row to edit.
Edit the time entry information using the bottom part of the view.
Click the Save button to save changes made.
From the Monthly view, click on the day of the month containing the time entry to reject.
Click the View Timesheet button on the toolbar.
Select the row to reject.
Click the Reject button .
Enter the reason for the rejection. This reason is displayed to the employee who submitted the time.
Note: When time is rejected, the employee who submitted the time will receive an e-mail notification if this option has been enabled. |
From the Monthly view, select 1 or more days by clicking on the calendar day.
Click the Reject button .
Enter the reason for the rejection.
Select the employee from the drop-down list.
Select the month and year.
Select the day of the month and click the View Timesheet button .
Click the New button .
Select the project from the drop-down list.
Select the task from the drop-down list.
(Optional) Select the overtime rate (only available to users with appropriate security rights).
Check the billable box if this time entry is billable.
Enter a duration (in hours). This is the total time worked.
Enter the start and end times for the time entry.
(Optional) Select the client overtime rate (only available to users with appropriate security rights).
(Optional) Enter a description.
Click the Save button .