Add an Employee (short and long forms)

The Create Employee form comes in 2 versions:

  • The short form that only needs you to enter the required information for the new employee.
  • The long form, which contains all employee properties, is accessed by clicking the Advanced link at the bottom of the short form.

Add an employee using the short form:

  1. Enter the employee’s First and Last names (up to 100 characters each).

  2. Enter the employee's Email address.

  3. The Send Invitation box determines whether the new user must create his or her own login password or not.

    • Checked: The employee must create his or her own password (via an email invitation automatically sent out).

    • Unchecked: You enter the new user's login password (case sensitive). The new employee has the option to change the password later.

  1. (Optional) Clicking the Advanced link permits you to enter more information about this new user such as pay and billing rates, start date, etc.. You can always enter this information at a later date. See All about Employees for more details.

  2. Click Finish.





How to add an employee

Change password?

Adding hourly rates for a new employee

Login access

Complete Employee Properties

Employee FAQs

Operational Questions

Free up a license

Copy an employee's assignments

Deactivate an employee

What is Limited Access?

Approval workflow


Long form


Use the following instructions when adding a new employee. If editing an existing employee's properties, see the All about Employees topic.

Add an employee using the long form:

  1. Enter the employee’s First and Last names (up to 100 characters each).

  2. Select a Security level that defines what views and tools are available to the employee: The software has 5 pre-defined (built-in) security levels designed to meet typical scenarios.

    • Administrator: This security level has access to all areas in the software.

    • Auditor: This level can only view and print reports in the Administrative area. All other views and tools are inaccessible.

    • Manager: This security level has access to projects, tasks, assignments, reports, budgets and other areas required to manage projects.

    • Team Lead: This security level has access to the views used to create projects, tasks, assignments, approve time, etc.

    • Time and Expense entry: (default selection for new employees) Employees assigned to this level only have access to the time and expense entry tools and are only able to view their own time and expenses. Information relating to rates or costs are not displayed. Access is also denied to all Administrative functions.

  1. Enter the employee's Email address (up to 250 characters). This email address is used as the employee's login page User Name.

  2. Send Invitation: When checked, an email is sent to the person inviting him or her to create their own password.

  3. Password: This is only displayed when the Send Invitation box is unchecked or when editing an existing employee's profile.

This is the employee's login password (case sensitive, up to 100 characters). If 'Strong Password' has been enabled by your administrator, the password is required to contain at least 8 characters, contain at least 3 of the following character types - uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number or special character and cannot contain the employee's email address. If you enter or modify an employee's password in this field, you should forward the new password to the employee. Employees are able to change their own passwords.


  1. Enter the employee's Start and End dates. Both of these dates are used for reporting purposes.

  2. Select a Group for the employee. Groups are keywords that you associate to employees. You can later perform a search for employees associated with specific groups. Groups are created by your Administrator using the Groups view.

  1. Rates (Optional)

    Background information

Client cost = hours worked x hourly billing rate x Billing overtime prorating



    1. Enter the hourly Pay Rate value for the employee. If enabled, select the currency for this rate. For example, 25.00 USD or 16.50 GBP.

    2. Enter the hourly Billing Rate value for the employee. If enabled, select the currency for this rate.


  1. Overtime Pay and Billing (Optional)

Background information

Overtime selections made for employees in this view are used to calculate overtime costs (for pay and billing) when the time entered by the employee is set as overtime.

  • Overtime Rates (prorating) are created by your Administrator using the Overtime Rates view.
  • Overtime Rates are assigned to each employee using the Employee's view.
  • When employees enter their time, they have the option to select an overtime using the time entry tool.


    1. Select one or more overtime rate from each Overtime field. The Overtime rates selected here are displayed in the employee's time entry tool as an option when entering time.


Company overtime cost =  hours worked x employee hourly pay rate x pay overtime prorating

Client overtime cost = billable hours worked x hourly billing rate x billing overtime prorating


  1. Work Hours: Enter the number of hours the employee works each day. The Working hours per day data is used when employee accruals are calculated on a daily basis (see Leave Rules). This is also used in Employee Workload to determine an employee's available hours.

  2. Work Days: Select the days of the week the employee works. This is used in Employee Workload to determine an employee's available hours.

  3. Limited Access: Select which managers or Access Groups can access this employee. Only the selected managers (or members of the selected access groups) are permitted to view and report on this employee.


    Depending on which limited access operating mode is enabled, either a list of manager names or a hierarchical tree of access groups is displayed in the limited access drop-down list. See Notes that follow.

      • Check the managers (or access groups) who require access to this item.

      • Click anywhere outside the Limited Access window to close the list.



  1. Leave/Absences (Optional)

In this step, the number of hours the employee works per day are set. Leave/Absences rules, which calculate the number of sick days, vacation, flex time, etc., that employees are eligible to take, can also be assigned. Leave/Absences rules are created by administrators using the Leave Rules view.

    1. Click the Set Leave/Absences Rule button.

    2. Select a Leave/Absences rule from the Rule drop-down list.

    3. When a Leave/Absences rule is selected, the Accrual information window displays, for each accrual, the calculated hours accrued and the accrual start date. Click any row to make adjustments to the Accrue From date for the rule and the number of hours (adjustment) to add to the rule. Click OK when done.


  1. Approval workflow

Background information


Click the Show Approval workflow button to reveal the Employee Approval Paths window. Details about the information displayed are located in Review Approval Paths.


  1. Click Finish to save the information and close the window.