Changing E-Mail/Notification Text

For most types of e-mail notifications, changes can be made to the text displayed in the subject line or body of the e-mail. With this ability to apply modifications to all, or to only specific notifications, you can customize each e-mail to fit your requirements.

To change the text in a notification e-mail:

Changes can be applied to new or existing notifications created in the Job Scheduler, Time Lockout view or to notifications applied from the Employee properties window.

  1. Locate the notification to modify and click the Change Notification text link.

  2. Modify the text in the Subject line and in the Body as required. The tags used in the subject line and body cannot be edited. New tags cannot be added, but existing tags can be removed. Details on available tags for each type of notification are found at the end of this topic.

  3. Click the Preview button to see the applied changes.


  • Project names, date ranges, data tables, etc., displayed in the Preview may use demo data.

  • Pressing the Restore Defaults button will remove all applied changes and restore the Subject line, Body text and tags to their default settings.

  • Basic HTML formatting tags, such as < br> to add a line break, can be used to format the message.


  1. The following options are not available for all e-mail notifications:

    By default, the newly modified text will only be applied to this particular notification job. It can be applied to all new and/or existing notification jobs by selecting either of the available checkboxes.

  1. Click the Save button to apply the changes.


Tag information:


Time/Expenses Awaiting Approval Notification

$ SHEET_TYPE: The type of sheets waiting for approval: Timesheets and/or Expense sheets.

$SHEETS_AWAITING_APPROVAL: A table identifying the sheets awaiting approval.


Timesheet for Approval – Instant Notification

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the employee whose timesheet needs to be approved.

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the employee whose timesheet needs to be approved.

$SHEET_NAME: The name of the sheet which requires approval.


Expense Sheet for Approval – Instant Notification

$TERM_EXPENSE: Custom terminology for the word 'expense'.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the employee whose expense sheet needs to be approved.

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the employee whose expense sheet needs to be approved.

$SHEET_NAME: The name of the sheet which requires approval.


Rejected time/Expenses – Instant Notification

$REJECTED_TYPE: The type of sheet that was rejected: Time or Expense sheet.

$DATE_RANGE_START: The rejected sheet’s start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The rejected sheet’s finish date.

$MANAGER_LAST: The last name of the manager who rejected the sheet.

$MANAGER_FIRST: The first name of the manager who rejected the sheet.

$SHEET_NAME: The name of the rejected sheet.

$REJECTED_REASON: The reason for rejection as entered by the manager.


Project Alerts

$TERM_PROJECT: Custom terminology for the word 'project'.

$THRESHOLD_LIMIT_INFO: List of the project alert rule(s) that have been reached along with limited details on the rule.

$JOB_NAME: The text entered in the job’s Name field.


Employee Incomplete Timesheet Notification

$DATE_RANGE_START: The reporting period’s start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The reporting period’s finish date.

$INCOMPLETE_INFO: A table showing summary timesheet information for the reporting period.


Manager Incomplete Timesheet Notification

$TERM_EMPLOYEES: Custom terminology for the word 'employees'.

$DATE_RANGE_START: The reporting period’s start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The reporting period’s finish date.

$INCOMPLETE_SHEETS: A summary table indicating which employees may have incomplete timesheets.


Reporting Notification

$JOB_NAME: The text entered in the job’s Name field.

$ATTACHMENTS: A list of all files attached to the e-mail.


Assignment Notification

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the employee being notified of his/her assignments by e-mail.

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the employee being notified of his/her assignments by e-mail.

$DATE_RANGE_START: The reporting period’s start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The reporting period’s finish date.

$ASSIGNMENTS: A table showing the assignments for the employee.


Alternate Approvals - Out of Office

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST:  The first name of the Employee that is out of the office.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the Employee that is out of the office.


Alternate Approvals - Return

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the Employee that has returned to the office.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the Employee that has returned to the office.


Time Lockout Period Notification

$LOCKOUT_DAYS_REMAINING: The number of days that remain before the lockout period ends.

$LOCKOUT_LASTDAY: The day that the lockout period ends.


Employee requests Time Lockout Exception

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the employee whose exception request needs to be approved.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the employee whose exception request needs to be approved.

$DATE_RANGE_START: The exception’s requested start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The exception’s requested finish date.

$EXCEPTION_REASON: The reason entered by the employee requesting the exception.


Manager requests Time Lockout Exception

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the employee whose exception request needs to be approved.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the employee whose exception request needs to be approved.

$SHEETS_AWAITING_APPROVAL: The table identifying the sheets awaiting approval as part of the exception request.

$EXCEPTION_REASON: The reason entered by the employee requesting the exception.


Manager accepts exception request

$DATE_RANGE_START: The exception’s start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The exception’s finish date.

$EXCEPTION_NOTE: Additional instructions the manager may have included with the exception.


Manager rejects exception request

$DATE_RANGE_START: The exception’s requested start date.

$DATE_RANGE_FINISH: The exception’s requested finish date.

$MANAGER_LAST: The last name of the manager who rejected the exception.

$MANAGER_FIRST: The first name of the manager who rejected the exception.

$REJECTED_REASON: The reason for rejection as entered by the manager.


Time with exception awaiting approval

$EMPLOYEE_FIRST: The first name of the Employee whose timesheet needs to be approved.

$EMPLOYEE_LAST: The last name of the Employee whose timesheet needs to be approved.

$LOCKOUT_DAYS_REMAINING: The number of days that remain before the lockout period ends.