Filters tab

When editing a report or building a new one, the Filters tab allows you to pick which report criteria is shown to the user running the report. For example, you may choose to let the end user select projects, employees or a date range for the report. As the report designer, you also have the ability to pre-select items and options for these report filters.


From the Filters list, select and move one or more filters to the Selected list.


While some filters have default items picked, you may be required to pick items/options from other filters to run the report in the preview area.


To save your picks within each filter, check the 'Keep the filter picks made below when you save this report' box. If this box is not checked, the end user is required to select items or options from each filter.


Note: A date filter is automatically applied to the most popular report types.



Click here to read about all the filter options.





How to run a report

Public, private and favorite reports

Filters explained

Editing - making small changes to an existing report

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