Budgeted Expenses

Dovico Planning & TimesheetDovico Timesheet uses Budgeted Expenses to provide a project manager with the ability to forecast (budget) expenses for a project. This permits the manager to compare budgeted and approved expenses throughout the project lifetime.


This topic describes how to add budgeted expenses for a project.


If enabled, the upper right corner of the screen has a Currency drop-down list which permits calculated costs to be reviewed in any enabled currency. The 'Display by Project Currency' option displays costs in the currency associated to the selected project



To add a budgeted expense:

  1. Select Budgeted Expenses from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Budgeted Expenses).

  2. Select the project associated with the expense from the project drop-down list located at the top of the screen.

  3. Click the New button on the toolbar.

    The budgeted expenses window opens.

  4. (Optional) Modify the expense date using the calendar button .

  5. (Optional) Select an expense category.

  6. Enter an amount or quantity for the budgeted expense.

  1. (Optional) Enter a description for the expense.

  2. Click Done to automatically save the information and close the window, or click New to save the information and create a new budgeted expense.


Note: The number of budgeted expense rows displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons or (at the top of the screen) to view additional record pages.



  • To view or edit details for more than one budgeted expense, open an expense's properties window and use the Next Record button (or Previous) to move to the next item in the view. Clicking the Next (or Previous) button automatically saves any changes made.

  • Double click an item in the grid to see that item's properties .

  • Use the Show/Hide column function to personalize what information is displayed in the Budgeted Expenses view's grid.

  • You can add fields to track extra budget expense information by using Custom fields .

  • Use the Expense Category drop-down list at the top of the screen to filter a project's budgeted expenses by category.

  • Additional tabs are available at the bottom of the budgeted expenses properties window to add Notes, Phone Numbers and Addresses.