Automatic Reporting

The Job Scheduler's Automatic Reporting feature provides the ability to have reports automatically created and e-mailed to employees and clients on a one-time or recurring basis. Reports can be e-mailed in various formats (PDF, XLS, RTF, CSV, etc.).

To create an automatic reporting job:

  1. Select Job Scheduler from the menu (Menu > Setup tab > Job Scheduler).

  2. Select Reporting from the drop-down list at the top left corner of the screen.

    The Job Scheduler window opens.

    On the Data (Step 1) tab

  3. Enter a name for this reporting job (up to 100 characters). This is the name displayed in the e-mail's subject line.

  4. (Optional) Enter a description (up to 250 characters).

  5. To the right of the Reports to be sent list, click the Add button to add a report to the list.

    Clicking the Add button launches a procedure similar to that used in the Reports view. Locate and double click on the report and select the reporting filters as required.


  • Beware of any costs or rates shown in your report and whether or not the recipients of the report should have access to this level of information. If necessary, you can always go back and create an alternate version of your report without sensitive information and schedule it to be automatically e-mailed.

  • When filtering using a Date filter, most of the available options (For Life, Current Week, Current Month, etc.) will automatically advance in time for reporting jobs that are set to run daily, weekly or monthly.
    Example: if you select the 'Current Week' option in the report's Date filter and you also schedule the report to run Daily, Weekly or Monthly (step 12 below), the report returned will contain data for the week in which the report is run. The exception to this 'auto-advancing date range' rule is if the Date range option is selected. The dates selected in the Date range option are fixed and do not advance in time.


  1. When the report is displayed, click the Add to Report job button and select the export format.

    The report is now displayed in the list of Reports to be sent.

  2. (Optional) You can remove, edit or preview any report displayed in the Reports to be sent list by clicking the appropriate buttons to the right of the list.

  3. Add additional reports as required (step 5).

  4. (Optional) Modify the text shown in the e-mail by clicking on the Change Notification Text... link.


On the Recipients (Step 2) tab


  1. From the lists displayed on the left, select the employees or clients that will receive the e-mailed reports and move them to the Employees or Clients selected lists using the Move button

Note: Only employees and clients with e-mail addresses entered in their respective properties windows are displayed in the lists.


  1. SKIP THE SMTP (Step 3) TAB. Do Not Edit the information displayed in this tab.

    On the Schedule (Step 4) tab

  1. Set the Run schedule properties. This establishes when the Job Scheduler runs the job.

Note: If your local time is different from the time on the hosted server, then the server time is displayed in parentheses to the right of the time field.


Tip: It’s a good practice to set automated job run times when the system demands are low (evenings, overnight or other non-peak times).


  1. Click Done. The reporting job is now displayed in the Job Scheduler's list of jobs.


Note: All time fields in the Job Scheduler must use the 24 hour format; that is 23:00 instead of 11:00 PM.