The Project Assignments view's Assignments filter is a powerful feature permitting a user to reduce the amount of information displayed in the assignments pane. Filters can be temporary or can be saved for later use.
The assignments filter contains numerous fields from which you can select one or more items (filter by task, employee, project, etc.).
This topic describes how to (1) create temporary assignment filters, how to (2) save assignment filters, how to (3) remove assignment filters and how to (4) apply/delete saved assignment filters.
Select Project Assignments from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Project Assignments).
Click the Assignments Filter button located on the top toolbar.
Select items from one or more drop-down lists and/or select assignment dates .
When you have selected your items within a drop-down list, collapse the drop-down list by clicking the button or click elsewhere on the Assignments Filter window.
To use this filter temporarily, click Apply to set the filter criteria and leave the window open, or click Done to set the filter and close the window.
To Save the filter for later use, enter a unique Filter name and click Apply (or Done). The saved filter is displayed in the toolbar's saved filter drop-down list.
Click the Remove Filter button located on the toolbar.
Warning: When a saved filter is applied, pressing the Delete Filter button instead of the Remove Filter button will permanently delete a saved filter. |
Select the filter from the saved filters drop-down list located in the toolbar.
Select the saved filter from the drop-down list on the toolbar.
Click the Delete Filter button located to the right of the drop-down list.