Assigning Resources - overview

You can assign resources to tasks at any time while building your project plan in the Project Scheduling view. The resources can be employees, skillsets or a combination. The following describes how to assign employees to tasks, how to assign skillsets (placeholders) to tasks, and how to replace the placeholders with employees when applicable. Full details on resources and their properties are located in the All about Resources topic.



  • Employees to assign to projects must have first been added to the database via the Project Assignments view.

  • Employee Working Time settings, which set each employee's daily schedule, should be established.

Assigning employees to tasks:


Assign one or more employees to one task

Option 1: Select the employees from the right side pane and drag them on top of the task's timeline bar in the Gantt area.

Option 2: Drag the employees on top of the task's name in the Task column.
By default, the software will use 100% of the assigned employee's working time to schedule work for the project. To conserve some free time for other projects occurring in the same time frame, reduce this 100% value to a lower amount using the Employee Target Allocation function for each applicable employee assigned to the project.





Setup Overview

Building a small test project

Adding tasks and estimates

Assigning resources to tasks

Leveling a project's resources

Publishing a project

Tracking a project's progress


Operational Questions

Do we have resources to take on a project?

How long will a new project take?

How much will a project cost?

How is a project doing vs. its budget?

Do I have over utilized employees?




  • When an employee is assigned to a task, that task's duration (Start/Finish dates) is automatically adjusted based on a variety of factors. This may cause an employee to be over allocated (overbooked). This is a temporary situation corrected by leveling a project once all assignments have been completed. Leveling distributes the workload appropriately. You can level the project at any time during the assigning process to get updated allocations and timelines.

  • When more than one employee is assigned to a task, the estimated hours may not be evenly split between the assigned employees after the project is leveled. The leveling function distributes the employee effort to get the earliest end date possible for the completion of the task. In some situations, it may even occur that some assigned employees have no estimated time against the task.

  • An assignment's Start and Finish dates will not be adjusted when the project is leveled if the assignment's Start and Finish dates have been manually set.



Assign one or more employees to multiple tasks

  1. Select the tasks by clicking on the task names.
    (Use the Shift key to select adjacent tasks or the Ctrl key to select non adjacent tasks.)


  1. Click and drag the employees on top of any of the selected tasks in the Task column.


Removing an employee from a task (Unassign)

Right click on the employee name located to the right of the task bar and select Delete Assignments .


Assigning Skillsets to tasks (Placeholders):


Skillsets are useful in project scheduling when the type of work to be performed can be reasonably defined (Mechanical Engineer, Interface Designer, etc.) but the exact employee to assign to the work cannot be finalized. Using skillsets permits a manager to create a detailed project plan without having to know exactly which employee will work on a task, and then assign employees at a later date. This feature can be important in lengthy projects. Using skillsets does not diminish the cost planning aspects of project scheduling as hourly rates can be defined for each skillset.

When you assign a skillset to a task, a placeholder is automatically created (in the lower right pane) and the placeholder is assigned to the task instead of the original skillset. The creation of placeholders is important when the time comes to replace these temporary assignments with employees. The placeholder's name is created using the skillset's name plus a sequential number. For example, the first time the Web Designer skillset is assigned to a task, the Web Designer 1 placeholder is created. The Web Designer 2 placeholder is created the second time the skillset is assigned. You have the option to always use the first placeholder created (Web Designer 1) by dragging and dropping it on tasks instead of using the skillset.


Assign a skillset to a task



Option 1: Select the skillset from the right side pane and drag it on top of the task's timeline bar in the Gantt area.

Option 2: Drag the skillset on top of the task's name in the Task column.


  • A project can be published with placeholders. However, the placeholder assignments will not be displayed in other Dovico Planning & Timesheet views.

  • You can assign skillsets to multiple tasks using the method described in the previous section.

  • Placeholders are unique to each project. That is, a placeholder created for Project A is not available for Project B.



Replacing placeholders with employees:


  1. Select the Placeholder in the bottom right side pane.

  2. Click the Replace Resource button on the toolbar located immediately above the list of placeholders.

  3. Select the Employee to assign. The default Employee list only shows the employees assigned to the original skillset. You have the option to Show all Employees in the list.

  4. You have the option to use the employee's default rates, the original skillset rates, apply different rates or use the rates already applied.

  5. Click OK.



Level the project's resource assignments to make sure no employees are overbooked.