Approval view - Summary tab information details

The Summary tab in the Time & Expense Approval view is divided into 2 horizontal panes:


The top pane displays summary information on the employee’s time submitted by project and task for the sheet. The time to approve is highlighted in green. To the right is optional statistical data.


The Total Employee Time in date range pane (bottom) is provided to place the submitted entries in context against the employee’s other entries in the same date range. This information can be important if an employee’s submitted entries are split amongst different approving managers or when multiple submissions are made for the same date range.





  • The bottom pane can be disabled.

  • Columns can be hidden using the Show/Hide Columns button.

  • There is no Summary tab when approving expense sheets.



Hours to Approve column:

Sum of hours submitted in this sheet by project and task for the date range.



Total Hours in Range column:

Sum of all submitted hours for the task, in this and other sheets, plus hours previously approved in the same date range.

Total Hours in Range =    

Submitted hours on the project and task from this sheet.

+ Submitted hours on this project and task in other sheets, within the same date range.

+ Previously approved hours on this project and task in the same date range.



Budget/Actual column:

Budgeted hours for the task compared to the sum of all submitted and approved hours for the task, during the project’s lifetime.


Budget /Actual =

Budgeted hours for this project and task assignment

Employee’s total hours on this project and task assignment for the duration of this project (approved and awaiting approval)



% Worked column group:

The employee’s hours for the task compared with all hours for all tasks.


% Worked =

Employee’s total hours on this project and task assignment (approved and awaiting approval)

Employee’s total hours on ALL project and task assignments (approved and awaiting approval)


The % Worked value is calculated and displayed for the Last 4 weeks and the Life of the Project.



Billable % column group:

The employee’s billable hours for the task compared with all hours for the same task.


Billable % =

Employee’s total billable hours on this project and task assignment (approved and awaiting approval)

Employee’s total hours on this project and task assignment (approved and awaiting approval)


The Billable % value is calculated and displayed for the sheet’s date range (Current Range), the Last 4 weeks and the Life of the Project.





  • The ‘last 4 weeks’ is defined as the last date in the sheet’s date range and going back 4 weeks.

  • The ‘life of project’ is defined as the earliest entry for the project to the most recent entry.