Use the Assignment Properties function to edit the specific properties of a task/employee assignment.
Estimate Client Cost = Estimated hours x Task prorating x Rate Charged
Note: You cannot adjust assignment properties for projects created using the Project Planning tool. These projects can be identified by the small orange circle in the project icon . |
Tip: The Assignment Properties function is useful when editing estimate information on just a few assignments. To make changes to many assignments, it's best to use the Budgeted Time & Costs view's Budget Wizard. |
Available assignment properties:
Estimated Hours: The estimated hours to complete a specific task/employee assignment. Estimated hours can only be added or edited when the project status is set to Estimate.
Prorating: The budgeted prorating for this specific task/employee assignment. The initial prorating value is taken from the value assigned in this task's prorating field. Editing this value only affects this specific task/employee assignment. It does not alter the default prorating assigned to this task nor does it affect the prorating value where this task is assigned to other projects.
Rate Charged: The budgeted Rate Charged for this specific task/employee assignment. The initial Rate Charged value is taken from the value assigned in this employee's Rate Charged field. Editing this value only affects the Rate Charged for this specific task/employee assignment. It does not alter the default Rate Charged assigned to this employee nor does it affect the Rate Charged where this employee is assigned to other tasks.
Billable by Default: The Billable by Default status determines if this assignment is displayed in the employee's time entry view with the Billable option already checked or not. The initial Billable by Default setting is taken from this project's Billable by Default field.
Select Project Assignments from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Project Assignments).
Locate and select the employee assignment in the assignment tree.
Click the Properties button located on the top toolbar to display the Assignment Properties window (or right click on the employee and select Properties).
Enter or edit information in any of the available fields:
Estimated Hours (available if the project status is set to Estimate, not available for Project Planning tool or Microsoft Project projects)
Prorating (not available for Project Planning tool projects)
Rate Charged (only available to users with appropriate security rights, not available for Project Planning tool projects). If enabled, select the currency for the rate.
Billable by Default
Click OK when finished.