Adding hourly rates for new employees

Employee rates are the hourly pay and billing rates assigned to employees. These rates are multiplied by employee hours to calculate your company's costs for the employee (Pay Rate) and how much you can bill your clients for the employee's time (Billing Rate). If you are not using Dovico for costing or billing, then rates are not required.


There are 2 types of hourly rates for each employee:

Hourly Pay Rate: The employee's hourly paid salary used to calculate how much the employee is costing your company per hour (company costs)

Company cost = hours worked x hourly pay rate x pay overtime prorating*


Hourly Billing Rate: The employee's hourly billing rate used to calculate how much the employee's time is worth for billing your clients (client costs).

Client cost = hours worked x hourly billing rate x billing overtime prorating*

Adding employee rates


  1. From the employee's properties window.

  2. Enter the hourly Pay Rate value for the employee.

  • If enabled, select the currency for this rate. For example, 30.00 USD or 20.00 GBP.

Note: Ignore the Backdate button if you are adding rates for a new employee. This Backdate button is used when editing an existing Employee'sPayRate or Currency and you want to backdate existing time entries that used other values.






How to add an employee

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Adding hourly rates for a new employee

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  1. Enter the hourly Billing Rate value for the employee.

  • If enabled, select the currency for this rate.

  1. Click Finish.

* See Overtime Rates for details on overtime proratings

Full details on employees and their properties are located in Complete Employee properties.