Adding Assignments to the Timesheet grid
Before you can track time against an assignment, that assignment must be added to the timesheet grid. This topic describes how to use the assignment tree to (1) add task assignments to the timesheet grid and (2) how to remove task assignments from the timesheet grid.
To add task assignments to the timesheet grid:
Click the My Assignments button above your list of assignments.
Locate and check one or more assignments to be added to the timesheet grid.
Nothing is displayed in the Assignment tree?
Click the Add to Timesheet button.
The task assignments added to the timesheet grid are temporarily highlighted in grey.
To remove task assignments from the timesheet grid:
Select the task row to delete by clicking on the task's name in the timesheet grid. A selected row is highlighted in grey.
Click the ellipsis button (...) at the far right and select Delete selected rows .