Approved Expenses

The Approved Expenses view lists all approved expenses that exist in the database. The view can be used to:

  • Review approved expenses by employee, project or date

  • Edit expense entries

  • Flag expenses as reimbursed (paid)

  • Reject expense sheets

  • Review expense attachments

  • Add expenses to an existing expense sheet

  • Review expense amounts in any currency (if enabled)


The Approved Expenses view is located in Time & Expenses > Approved Expenses.


The expense sheets are displayed in the right side pane. By default, all expense sheets are ‘collapsed’ and clicking the arrow icon next to the sheet title expands the sheet to reveal the individual expenses within the sheet. Expense sheets are sorted by Start date with the oldest date at the bottom (reverse chronological).

You can review an expense's attachment by clicking the attachment icon at the far left side. Double clicking an individual expense item permits details to be modified.


Note: Expense sheets not submitted or submitted but not yet approved are not displayed in the Approved Expenses view.



The Currency options described below are only available if Currencies have been enabled.


Reimburse Employee: The Employee reimbursable total - in the Currency the employee is paid.

Sheet Total: The entire sheet's total - in the currency selected in the Currency drop-down.

Client Cost: The Billable Client Cost - in the currency selected in the Currency drop-down.

Amount Entered: The expense amount entered by the employee - in the Currency specified by the Employee.



If enabled, the upper right corner of the screen has a Currency drop-down list which permits calculated costs to be reviewed in any enabled currency. When 'Display by Project Currency' is selected, the currency associated with the project (in the project's properties) is shown. 

To locate expenses:

The Approved Expenses view contains several filtering and sorting options to help locate a specific expense sheet or expense entry.


  • When All is selected on the far left, the Project, Employee and Date filters are available at the top of the view. Use one or more of these to further narrow the list of expense sheets displayed. Also available is the Sort by Employee checkbox.


  • The Search box checks matching data in the following columns: Date, project name, employee name, expense category name, description, check number, reference number, purchase order number and sheet title. Do not enter wildcards as these are automatically used.


  • Using the pane on the left side, all expenses can be sorted by their ‘reimbursement’ status:

    • Clicking on To be reimbursed displays all expense sheets that contain at least one reimbursable expense and that have not been flagged as reimbursed. Expanding the tree displays all employees with expense sheets in this category.

    • Clicking on Reimbursed displays all expense sheets that have been flagged as reimbursed. Any submitted expense sheet that contains no reimbursable entries is automatically categorized as Reimbursed. Expanding the tree displays all employees with expense sheets in this category.





  • The Expense Sheet name convention is as follows; "Last Name, First Name" "Sheet title as entered by employee" from "Start Date" to "Finish Date"

  • The number of expense sheets displayed in the view is limited by the Paging setting. You may need to click the paging buttons (at the top of the screen) to view additional pages.


To edit an expense entry:

  1. Locate and double click on the expense entry to edit, or right click and select Properties.

  2. Edit any of the fields as required. Information on the available fields is detailed in the ‘Add expense entry’ instructions that follow.

  3. Click Done.


Note:  The employee associated with the expense entry cannot be modified.


To flag an expense sheet as reimbursed:

The ‘To be reimbursed’ and ‘Reimbursed’ status categories are for sorting and reporting purposes only. These do not affect whether or not expenses are displayed in other views and tools.


  1. Click on To be reimbursed in the left pane

  2. Check one or more sheets to be marked as reimbursed.

  3. Click the Reimburse button .

    In the pop-up window:

  4. Select a date.

  5. (Optional) Enter a Check or reference number. Note that this number is displayed to the employee who submitted the expense sheet.

  6. Click OK.

    The sheet is moved to the “Reimbursed” section in the left side pane.


Tip: Placing your mouse over an expense sheet’s name will reveal information (as rollover text) about the sheet's reimbursement status.



To reject an expense sheet:

Only whole expense sheets can be rejected. Individual expenses cannot be rejected. Please enter enough details in the Reason for rejection box so that the employee can identify and correct the proper expense item(s).


  1. Check the expense sheet to reject and click the Reject button at the far right.

  2. Enter the reason for rejection. This reason is displayed to the employee who submitted the expense.

  3. Click OK.


To add an expense entry to an existing sheet:

  1. Locate and expand the expense sheet to which the new expense will be added.

  2. Click ellipsis button and select New.

  3. Select a project for the expense.

    Select a date using the calendar button .

Note:  The employee associated with the expense entry cannot be modified.


  1. (Optional) Select an expense category.

  2. (Optional) Enter a purchase order number.

  3. (Optional) Enter a reference number.

  4. Enter the amount or quantity for the expense. The quantity and cost per unit fields are only available if the expense category selected in step 4 has been set up as a rate-based expense category. Edit the cost per unit value if required.

  5. (Optional) Attach a file to the expense entry.

  6. If applicable, check the Request reimbursement option.

  7. Check the billable box if this expense is billable.

a.   If billable, optionally enter a markupClosedThe markup is multiplied by the expense amount to calculate the total client cost. as a percentage.

b.   If billable, optionally enter a fixedClosedThis fixed amount is added to the client's cost. amount.

  1. (Optional) Enter any applicable tax amounts in the Value Added TaxClosedThe value added tax fields are used for expense reporting only. They are not used in calculated client or company costs. fields.

  2. (Optional) Enter a description for the expense.

  3. Click Done.



  • Expenses entered in the Approved Expenses view will bypass all approval processes.

  • The default setting displayed for the Billable checkbox changes depending on the project selected. The default setting for each project is configured at the project properties level.



  • Use the Show/Hide column function to personalize what information is displayed in the Approved Expenses view's grid.

  • You can review expense sheet details in a report by using the ellipsis button and selecting Print.

  • Many of the functions described in this topic are also available by using your mouse's right click button.


To view all receipt attachments on an existing sheet:

Create a new report using the Expenses - Attachment report type. This Standard Report will display any images, pdf, or other attached documents associated with an individual expense claim.



  • A limit of 50 expense attachments can be printed on one report.

  • PDF attachments with multiple pages will be converted to an image and displayed in the report.
  • Reports created with the Expenses - Attachment report type cannot be scheduled in the Job Scheduler.