The following topic details how to link employees to both Active Directory and a Microsoft Project resource pool. Use the standard Active Directory instructions to link those employees who are not part of a Microsoft Project resource pool.
The employees must already exist in a Microsoft Project resource pool.
The Microsoft Project resource pool must already be synchronized with Dovico Planning & TimesheetDovico Timesheet.
Employees entered in Active Directory must have a First and Last name.
The following steps involve modifying employee User IDs existing in Dovico to exactly match those entered in Active Directory, synchronizing employees with Active Directory and then merging the conflicting employee IDs.
From Active Directory:
Document the name and User IDs of all employees linked to the Microsoft Project resource pool.
From Dovico Planning & TimesheetDovico Timesheet:
Select Items List from the menu (Menu > Views tab > Employees & Projects > Items List).
Select Employees in the drop-down list at the upper left corner of the view.
Select an employee who is linked to Microsoft Project (from step 1).
Click the Properties icon on the toolbar or double click on the employee name to display the Properties window.
Edit the employee's User ID field so that it exactly matches the User ID found in Active Directory (from step 1).
Click Done or use the Next Record button (or Previous) to browse to other employees. Clicking the Next (or Previous) button automatically saves any changes made.
Edit other Employee User IDs as required.
The Active Directory link is located in Menu > Views tab > Active Directory.
STEP 1: Establish connection information
Open the connection information area of the screen by clicking the "+" graphic.
Enter the Active Directory server name.
Enter the port number for the Active Directory server.
Enter the Windows User ID and Password for a user having Read access to Active Directory.
The Advanced button should only be used by experienced Active Directory administrators to customize the employees returned from the Active Directory query. The “Secure authentication” option should be left on at all times except in testing scenarios.
Click the Connect button.
STEP 2 (Optional): Schedule updates
Schedule daily updates by checking the update checkbox and entering the scheduled update time (in HH:MM).
STEP 3: Synchronize employees
All Active Directory employees that have not been synchronized to Dovico are listed in the left column (Available Active Directory Employees) and all employees currently synchronized to Dovico are listed in the right column (Employees to be synchronized).
Tip: You should consider having at least Dovico one user with full Administrative access not synchronized with Active Directory. This can avoid every one being locked out of the software if there are connectivity issues with the Active Directory server. Example; moving/replacing the Active Directory server. |
Select one or more employees from the left column.
Click the Add>> button to move them to the list of employees to be synchronized.
Click Apply.
A new window (Merge Active Directory Accounts) opens offering the option to merge the conflicting employee account information in the Dovico database.
Check each employee to overwrite.
Click OK.
For each newly imported/merged employee, the employee's security level and software access properties should be reviewed.