Accrual Rule From date

The Accrue From date is used to determine when the accrual calculation starts for a particular accrual rule. For example, if a rule starts on April 1, 2016, time recorded prior to this date will not be included in the calculation for available hours left (displayed in the Accrual Information box).


The default Accrue From Date for the rule is the day it was assigned to an employee. For example, if a rule is assigned to Juan on June 1, the Accrue From Date for Juan will be June 1. If the same rule is assigned to Mary on July 15, the Accrue From Date for Mary will be July 15.

To change the start date for an accrual rule:

  1. Go to the Employees view (Projects & Employees > Employees). 

  1. Locate the employee and click the Edit button at the end of the row.

  2. Scroll down to the end of the form and click the Set Leave/absencesrule button.

  3. In the Accrual Information area, click the rule to modify (... available hours left...) to open the Accrual adjustments window.

  4. Edit the Accrue From date.

  5. Click OK to close the Accrual Adjustments window.

  6. Click OK to return to the employee's properties window.

  7. Click Apply.